Adobe ColdFusion 8

ZipBrowser example

The following example shows the use of the Request, Response, and Query objects. The example uses the package to implement a Java CFX tag called cfx_ZipBrowser, which is a zip file browsing tag.

Note: The Java source file that implements cfx_ZipBrowser,, is included in the cf_root/cfx/java/distrib/examples (server configuration) or cf_webapp_root/WEB-INF/cfusion/cfx/java/distrib/examples (J2EE configuration) directory. Compile to implement the tag.

The tag's archive attribute specifies the fully qualified path of the zip archive to browse. The tag's name attribute must specify the query to return to the calling page. The returned query contains three columns: Name, Size, and Compressed.

For example, to query an archive at the path C:\ for its contents and output the results, you use the following CFML code:


<cfoutput query="LogFiles">
#Name#,#Size#, #Compressed# <BR>

The Java implementation of ZipBrowser is as follows:

import com.allaire.cfx.* ;
import java.util.Hashtable ;
import ;
import* ;

public class ZipBrowser implements CustomTag {
    public void processRequest( Request request, Response response ) 
        throws Exception {
        // Validate that required attributes were passed.
        if (!request.attributeExists( "ARCHIVE" ) || !request.attributeExists( "NAME" ) ) {
            throw new Exception( 
        "Missing attribute (ARCHIVE and NAME are both " + 
            "required attributes for this tag)" ) ;
     // get attribute values
        String strArchive = request.getAttribute( "ARCHIVE" ) ;
        String strName = request.getAttribute( "NAME" ) ;
    // create a query to use for returning the list of files
        String[] columns = { "Name", "Size", "Compressed" } ;
        int iName = 1, iSize = 2, iCompressed = 3 ;
        Query files = response.addQuery( strName, columns ) ;

    // read the zip file and build a query from its contents
        ZipInputStream zin = new ZipInputStream( new FileInputStream(strArchive) ) ;
        ZipEntry entry ;
        while ( ( entry = zin.getNextEntry()) != null ) {
            // Add a row to the results.
             int iRow = files.addRow() ;
             // populate the row with data
                files.setData( iRow, iName, entry.getName() ) ;
                files.setData( iRow, iSize, String.valueOf(entry.getSize()) ) ;
                files.setData( iRow, iCompressed,
                    String.valueOf(entry.getCompressedSize())) ;
                // Finish up with entry. 
                zin.closeEntry() ;

            // Close the archive.
            zin.close() ;